Shin Angyo Onshi movie: Blade of the Phantom Master

I would have preferred a TV serial but there's nothing we can do if ADV Films opted to make a movie instead. A movie just doesn't satisfy enough, especially if it's a movie based on a Korean manga that exudes a balanced blend of dark drama and light humor. The Shin Angyo Onshi manga also showed breathtaking scenes and graphics - all the sorcery and action were awesome! - and there were a lot of them that I'd like to see on screen. Blade of the Phantom Master (English version of Shin Angyo Onshi) just spans less than two hours though.

Nevertheless, Blade of the Phantom Master still delivers! The movie focuses on the first two adventures of Munsu, the protagonist of the story. The first arc is when he met Sando, a lethal female warrior. Scenes include some serious butt-kicking action on Sando's part, and also showcases Munsu's straightforward and unmoving principles. The second arc brings about an introduction of Munsu's past and his vengeful goal in life.

I would looove to tell all I know about the manga and the movie. But I myself don't like it when other people offer spoilers. I'm refraining myself right now. ^_^ Besides, I have yet to read the last volume of the manga so I do not have all the answers to questions pertaining to how the story ends.

Blade of the Phantom Master stays true to the first two stories of Shin Angyo Onshi. I definitely recommend all of you to watch the movie. Personally, the manga still offers more action and has a darker aura (which is the right atmosphere of the story, I must say). But the movie also gives us extraordinary effects (like when Munsu calls on his phantom soldiers) and breathtaking action.

You can download the Shin Angyo Onishi manga at
You can view the Blade of the Phantom Master at Veoh TV.

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