Changing the Template

I got bored with my old blogger template. I still like to look at the header so I decided to adopt it on the new template that I chose. I got another slight headache from looking at the template codes while fixing the blog. Codes and web designs aren't my forte, so I got myself a big challenge here. You can see it's still not done. I've yet to cover the missing widgets.

I think this new template will last long. I'm fickle when it comes to designs and might change the template from time to time. But I think I'm okay with this. For now.

I liked my old template. But I had a visual problem with the font styles and color. Its code didn't offer much for me to change the font (told you I'm not good with codes). So I opted to get another template. Good thing I was able to retain the header (with a little bit of manipulation). ^_^

Regarding this new template, my only problem is the email subscription widget above on the header. I can't seem to get rid of it. I can't recognize the code for it in the template. I got tired of looking over the codes and just left it alone. It might prove helpful one day. In the meantime, when I have the time, I'll get to studying the codes more and figure out what to change to get the widget off my blog.

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