No Manga Updates; It's Golden Week!

I had no idea it was Golden Week in Japan. I was waiting patiently for the new releases of certain mangas (Naruto, for one) and this news took me like a slap to my cheek (a soft slap..^_^ ). No manga updates for this week!

But I guess I should also be thankful for it. I'm going to think of this as a sort of wake up call for me to get out of the manga and anime craze for a while. I think I really need the break. This week has been a pretty lousy one and all I've been focusing on are work, sleep, and then manga and anime. I'm addicted but I wish I wouldn't be this addicted.

A golden opportunity: I need to get out more and explore other things. The descriptions "nerdy" and "anti-social" would be added to my stiff and introvert self if I don't.

Note: Ignore the picture. I just wanted to put one on my post and Tobey got my attention.. ^_^

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