SAO / Blade of the Phantom Master Quotes

"Miracles don't happen for those who do nothing but appeal to salvation."
- Munsu -

"There are things that don't go away even when a country has fallen."
- Munsu -

"I'm sorry I couldn't save him. When we were attacked it was all I could do to keep myself alive... Just an excuse, isn't it?"
- Munsu -

"Jushin fell because people believed too much in everything that was visible right before their eyes."
- Munsu -

"There's no such thing as a miracle in this world. When you write the word "miracle," you spell it F-R-A-U-D."
- Munsu -

There's no way you, an ordinary human being, can defeat me. What's your reason for taking things so far?

It's because even I've got a chance at winning.

"If I could die from something like that, my pain would be eased, too."
- Yuite (after getting shot in the head) -

"You're counting on me, right? I can't just watch you die."
- Sando -

"Still trying to do something?"
- Munsu (stepping on Yuite's decapitated head) -

"If you haven't got a body there's nowhere to go back to, is there? Give it up and die."
- Munsu -

"Don't cry. I'm sure they'll go where they were meant to go... to the place they were meant to go a long time ago. That's the way of nature."
- Munsu -

"That's all right, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Human beings are such weak creatures, you know. It's natural that we hope for miracles. But it's because we are human that we can dispel the lies, too. Even when you died, you didn't lose your humanity."
- Munsu -

"I wonder if what human beings need is the confidence to stare straight into this blue sky. Don't you think so?"
- Munsu -

"Certainly, you are powerful. But there'll be times when, confronted with cunning miscreants who have pushed aside the good men, you become powerless. If you act on your own in that kind of situation and you die on me too, even a guy like me is going to have trouble sleeping at night."
- Munsu -

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