Crappy Happy Moment With Manga Hunting

I can really say that at this moment I am really feeling both happy and crappy at the same time. And it all boils down to the Shin Angyo Onshi problem I had days ago.

I discovered I made a couple of stupid and careless mistakes which led me to a little more stupidity that I would really like to set aside and forget. Sadly, memories like these are not that hard to easily ignore, especially when it's still fresh in the mind.

Mistake no. 1: Googling for some results on direct downloads for Shin Angyo Onshi, I discovered that I made a mistake with my spelling. I hope others will take note of this, too, because I can see by the number of results that I wasn't the only one who made a mistake with the title of the manga (or manghwa). I thought it was Shin Angyo Onishi --- with the i --- but the correct title for it is Shin Angyo Onshi.

Mistake no. 2: I decided to try to look for the site where I used to download the manga instead of just googling the title. I could remember that it was ETC, short for etcetera. But I forgot that they made some revisions on the word for their domain name. It is not Rather, it is

I took some action and edited my earlier posts with the correct spelling of the title of the manga. Still, it doesn't erase how crappy I felt upon discovering that the site was never down and that it was just due to my stupidity that this happened. D'oh!

Still, I guess I can't complain. I mean I finally found the direct download site of Shin Angyo Onshi! Yehey! was great, but I'd rather have a copy of my own, you know. This is really a crappy happy moment; my stupidity ended in cheerful glee as I finally found the correct site.

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