Iron Man Sequel: Nick Fury's Cameo After the Credits

This should be a big YES! Considering the huge success of the film Iron Man, many would hope for a movie sequel. There is that constant fear that sequels might be disappointments (e.g. X-Men movies), but we never know.

The movie was so cool. I expected it to be just like the other comic book movies wherein the conversations and dialogues would be a little cliche and all that. But everything was smart and witty! Robert Downey, Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow (though I think a little more energy would've boosted up Paltrow's Pepper Potts) had quite interesting scenes together, all smart and suave. The movie also made great balance in both showing some action and focusing on Tony Stark's character development.

The movie also had its hilarious moments, like when RDJ as Tony Stark hit the wall hard on his firs attempt in flying... my sister and I had a hard time keeping our giggles to ourselves. The story really had humor. Combining this with witty intellectual conversations and explosive action, Iron Man definitely is one of the best comic book movies ever.

There was also that teaser scene after the movie credits with Samuel L. Jackson as Colonel Nick Fury approached Tony Stark. Good thing we didn't leave immediately! ^_^ Samuel L. Jackson made a cameo appearance as the SHIELD agent and was recruiting Iron Man to be part of the Avengers. Well... we comic book lovers know that Iron Man's going to join.

The question lingering on everone's minds right now would be if the Iron Man sequel is really a final thing or not. Hey, I don't think Samuel L. Jackson would make that cameo appearance for nothing!

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