Okay Ba Tayo, Tyan?

It seems I have a new addiction.. and it's centered on a fermented milk-like product from Japan: Yakult!

Maybe it was due to the Chinese milk powder scandal. Maybe it was the fact that Yakult was a good alternative for milk to someone like me who likes milk but is unluckily lactose intolerant. Or maybe its interesting taste just had me hooked.

I'm not the only one. Two packs of Yakult aren't enough for me and my siblings. It'd be gone in a day if we didn't care that maybe sis or bro didn't get a drink of it yet.

I'm very grateful this addiction isn't that bad. Yakult has many benefits for the body, and especially aids with digestion.

Yakult on Wikipedia? Oooohhh...

The claimed benefits are supported by an array of scientific studies according to the manufacturer website. Those could range from maintenance of gut flora, modulation of the immune system, regulation of bowel habits and constipation and finally effects on some gastro-intestinal infections.

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