Josh Groban at the Emmys 2008

I know of many people who think Josh Groban's music was boring, which eventually led to him being boring as well. Ha! Well, here's a treat for them.. the talented Josh Groban performing the theme songs of US television shows over the years at the Emmys:

To the people who think classical singers are boring, this just proved you wrong.

1 comment:

Jerusha said...

Josh Groban has NEVER been boring, just the people who don't know the real Josh! He's original, funny, gorky, adorable, fun to be around, has charisma etc, etc.
Those who think Josh is boring have obviously never been to one of his concerts. Josh has such stage presence and energy to make you feel breathless from watching him running and jumping about. His interaction with the audience is amazing, they're like putty in his hands. He's so versatile, multi-talented and when he sings - well WOW!!! POWERFUL. Just because he can and does sing in Spanish, Italian, French and English he is erroneously considered an opera singer. Josh has NEVER sang opera. For those who think his music is dull or dirgy, listen to MACHINE! then come back (if you dare) and tell me how wrong you were. Josh is the whole package and he's loved by all generations. Jerusha xx