From Sir, With Love

Just when I finished writing a dreary post about the month of September, I come writing back with more sad news. I recently heard that a former teacher and principal back in elementary school passed away days or weeks ago.

He wasn't just any principal. I didn't know him as a teacher because his subjects were that of secondary level. But I knew him as a principal. And he was a very respected principal. We only had good things to say about him, as compared to the other principals before and after him.

He was diagnosed with cancer, and it had spread into his liver. I didn't get all the details. The news of his death had just been passed from one Dole Philippines School alumni to another. It only reached me yesterday, through my brother and my friends.

A fellow alumni went and visited Sir Isidro Saranillo days before he died. During his visit, he made a video with Sir Saranillo giving us his message of living life.

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