The Beauty Is a He ... Shucks!

This may be a face that could launch a thousand ships...

.. BUT ... > there's always a "but" < ... she is a HE.

This is Kim Petras, a German boy who had hormone treatments for a sex change operation -- the youngest to do so at the age of 12. He was recently signed up for a German record label. Maybe we'll hear from him -- or her --- more in the future.

I'm sure he was cute when he was guy. But I must admit he's beautiful as a girl, too. I sigh, with frustration as to how an attractive male could have thought to disappoint females like me by denying us a chance to date him. And I sigh... because ain't he just a beauty?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he is.. i mean she is indeed pretty.. haha... thanks for sharing this :)