Finally! This Blog Is In Action!

Frankly, creating this blog has been something short of a headache. It's all because of the template. When I saw this template at, I really wanted it to use for this new blog of mine. I thought it was going to be just a copy-paste routine, but it turned out to be a little more complicated than that.

Instead of the simple copy-paste task when changing your blogger template to that of a new one from an outside source (presently, this would most often only work with classic templates), it seems like I had to upload the .xml file of the template. Now that would have been fine with me, too. I mean this should be easy for me after spending almost two years in front of a computer. But there were other requirements in order for this template to be successfully displayed.

I don't blame for telling us to move the template images to our own Google Pages. The site is pretty neat and has a lot of subscribers that it is only normal for them to worry about their bandwidth. Moving the template images to our own folders would also ensure us that the template will still be up and there if ever closes that specific template down from their site.

Uploading the XML file and moving the template images to my Google Pages was fine. But I don't know what happened on my first tries. The layout turned out missing the header or lacking in images. It wasn't until I started all over again --- uploading and tinkering with the widget errors --- that I finally succeeded. Yes! Really.. it wasn't easy. It was my first time tinkering XML language. I found HTML and CSS far easier.

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