Shin Angyo Onshi manga... HELP!!!

I'm hating myself for procrastinating on downloading this manga. I wanted to wait until after I finish cleaning up my files in the computer a bit. When I've finally found the time to check on Shin Angyo Onshi and to download the missing chapters and updates, I found nothing. Nothing! I felt like throwing something at my monitor.

All I can do now is ask for help... Help me please! Is there anyone out there willing to upload Shin Angyo Onshi manga?

Really.. I feel so crappy. I used to download this manga at It was the only site I found to be hosting this manga. I stopped downloading the updates for a while because I had to do some organizing on the files in my pc. When I went back to take a look at the site last weekend for a fresh batch of downloads, I found that the site was closed. Darn it. Darn it!

I scourged the net for other sources of downloads for this manga. But Korean mangas aren't that popular, are they? I don't think many have heard of this manga (or manghwa) yet. Even images and pictures of it are so little! Arrrggghhh...

For those who don't know: you've missed a great manga! I believe Shin Angyo Onshi is one of the most underrated mangas. It's got a great storyline, complex situations, great heroes, overwhelming magic and sorcery, and it centers on the most grounded protagonist I have ever met. The drawing and images are also so cool --- dark, heavy.. better than most mangas.

I hope someone will bring this manga back to life on the internet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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