For Just One Post

For just one blog post on my Wordpress blog, I sat and sweated out more than two hours in front of the computer... One post! Only one!

This is one thing I hate about posting at Wordpress. When you post pictures --- a lot of them --- you end up going back and forth in editing and refreshing the post.

I also had to scourge for good pictures from the Web. I had to check the sources of the pictures, too, to make sure that the pictures in my blog post won't just disappear when its source disappears. This is another thing that I hate about Wordpress blogs.

Oh well, after a lot of work (I've got droopy eyes; I'm tired!), I finally finished the post. I am featuring FHM's Top 10 Sexiest Women in the World. Guess who's on top of the list. It's none other than the foxy beauty pictured here: Megan Fox from Transformers.

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