Online Manga

Regarding my plea about the Shin Angyo Onshi manga, a fellow Yahoo! Answers user led me to a manga and anime site that is very friendly and updated! Hooray!

Well, I was hoping for a site that hosts direct downloads, but as Shin Angyo Onshi is not that widespread over the Web yet I guess this'll do for now. The important thing is that the manga is still alive online, and that it's updated. That's a lot to be thankful for, especially with rare mangas like this. is the site that I was referred to. One look at it and I was satisfied (ignoring the slight disappointment that it doesn't hold direct downloads). It even has other mangas and animes that I haven't heard of yet. I think I'll pay close attention to this site. If I can't get any downloads, at least I'll be able to keep myself up to date with the new chapters and episodes available.

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