Stupid Entry From Wikipedia

I've gotten great information from Wikipedia whenever I needed it, but this entry just made it clear to me why Wikipedia isn't so trusted.

Wikipedia: The Power Within (1995)

I wanted to get more information on The Power Within and the karate star who portrayed the lead role in the movie, Ted Jan Roberts (who was Dex in Masked Rider). Instead I get this crap of a summary. I mean, why include this:

One day, at lunch, Stan and his friend notice the top jock at school asking his girlfriend why they broke up. Stan and his friend overhear the conversation and Stan's friend says something along the lines of, "'d be nice if someone would shove his jock strap in his face..." Stan counters this by saying, "I think I can do better than that." Stan then gets up and asks the top jock's girlfriend out. The top jock becomes furious and tries to punch Stan, but Stan grabs his fist in defence. A fight breaks out, and Stan ends up defeating 12 jocks in the process.

... and end the plot like this?

Stan discovers his powers were in him the whole time and defeats Vonn, gets the girl and is happy.

Such crap.

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