How I Met Your Mother Websites

Here's a list of the the websites included in the hit TV comedy series How I Met Your Mother.

1. Ted Mosby is a Jerk!

If memory serves me right, this website was revealed in Season 3 Episode 14 (The Bracket). In this episode, someone was sabotaging Barney's attempts in picking up women. Barney had once introduced himself to one of his "exploits" as Ted Mosby, and this exploited woman ended up making a website on how Ted Mosby was such a jerk.

The site is a real crack-up. ^_^ There are pictures of Barney (aka fake Ted) in very painful circumstances and there's a copy of his "exit letter" aka Dear Resident letter. There's also a page dedicated to another fake Ted Mosby (the pornstar).

2. Ted Mosby is Not a Jerk!

This is in opposition to the first website. Different but oh so similar, these two. Haha!

3. Barney's Blog (of Awesomeness!)

Courtesy of CBS! It feels like awesome Barney is a real person when you read it.

4. Lily and Marshall Sell Their Stuff

Season 3 Episode 19: Everything Must Go

Lily and Marshall are having some financial troubles with their new apartment. One solution they had was to sell Lily's clothes. Lily didn't like it one bit... just watch the show.

Anyways, HIMYM decided to launch a charity auction based on the idea of Marshall and Lily selling their stuff. Proceeds from the auction goes to the Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. Maybe I'm wrong because I haven't read anything new about the auction, but maybe it already ended. I'm not sure.

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