Boots = Prositute?

I wore my thigh boots yesterday and people stared at me like I was a prostitute. Well, I'm not exactly sure. Perhaps they stared at me because my fashion was faulty. But it felt like they saw me like a party girl or something. Or a prostitute. I just cannot take this word off my mind.

My thigh boots clearly presented me with two problems that Filipino people have:

1. Thigh boots (and longer ones) make you look like a prostitute.

This is because many prostitutes choose to wear skimpy blouses, very short skirts, and high boots. When you see one at night, with thick lipstick and acting sexy, you automatically think it's a prostitute. At daytime, you can see them with their night partners strolling around for some last-minute cuddling session. And the ones I saw usually wore boots.

But, hey, just because you feel like wearing your boots (and I wore pedal shorts, not exactly short) I don't think it makes you look like a prostitute. I mean, hey.. freedom of expression! Fashion style! I have an odd fashion style, but it's still my style!

This perception people have on those wearing boots is also so dumbfounded. If you look at society today, boots are actually used by the formal and stylish. Many use it for work. It goes well with skirts (not the short one, of course) and make a chic look. And if a lot people in other countries can use it on a daily basis, why can't we?

2. Filipinos stare too much.

I've witnessed this many times and I have the urge to hit them on the back of their heads --- waiters waiting on Korean customers, packers on Americans who're paying for their groceries, etc. They stare at them.

IT'S RUDE TO STARE! How would they feel if they were the ones being stared at? It's not a good feeling. It makes you feel awkward and uncomfortable.

I tried hard to ignore the stares they were giving me yesterday but it was a really uncomfortable feeling. Out of the corner of my eyes, people would stare. They look away but they look again. Sheesh! It's not the first time someone wore boots to the mall!

But they stare anyway. As if I were a hooker or what, or an alien, or a foreigner. They stare as if it's weird and they can't even get it into their system that it's just BOOTS! Just BOOTS! I mean, think about it. If I wore sandals, or ordinary slippers, with my clothes the same, they wouldn't stare. My shirt is normal, my pedal shorts normal. It would be just like any other day. But replace your footwear with boots, and they stare. BOOTS! Haven't they seen any before?!?!

Do they think these things over? Do they think that anybody can wear boots? Do they think that wearing boots is just like wearing any other pair of shoes? No. They stare. They stare because to them, the perception of boots is limited to party girls and prostitutes. They stare because wearing boots make you look different. They stare because boots make you look less respectable than those emo groupies.

Darn close-minded people.

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