On My 12 Days of Christmas...

Not counting my days of arrival and departure, I really had 12 days of fun and leisure at my hometown as I took a break from the hustles of work and city life. There were some 'oops,' disappointments, and some more crappy moments during the break though. Here's an oopsy rendition of mine of the ever popular song The Twelve Days of Christmas:

*Getting right to the last part of the song...

On the 12th day of Christmas, misfortune showed to me...

12 donuts dunkin'
................... I almost got sick of donuts. Our father bought a dozen every other day.

11 breakfasts passing
................... We woke up late almost everyday that we go straight preparing lunch.

10 pm still dinging
................... 10 o'clock signals the start of my work back in the city.

9 Buddha wrapping
................... My sister and I had to wrap many little Buddha statues as presents to our relatives.

8 discs a-waiting
................... I brought a lot of DVDs to watch over the break but somehow I didn't get to watch them all.

7 cousins missing
................... Really. How could they not show themselves?!

6 books just lying
................... I brought books and bought some more, but I only got to finish two.

Fiiiiiive thousands goooooone...
................... I actually had to spend more than 5,000. This line refers to the number of 1,000 bills I spent for the gifts and the New Year's lechon.

4 nights with beer
................... Beer is always present whenever I go out with my old pals from high school.

3 with wine
................... My family prefers to drink wine, though. My mother and sister are especially lovers of wine. I come in third place.

2 injuries
................... I got one on my left hand, and a bigger one on my right. I was useless for a week because I couldn't use my hands efficiently.

and a hairstyle that's anime-eeeeeeyyyy...!
................... The hairstylist cut it wrong because he has never done the style before. I can forgive him. Still, I have one funny hairstyle right now.

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