Crappy Update to Myself.. and To Whoever Feels the Same Way

One of my resolutions this year was to fix things as I go along through them and minimize procrastination (which is a very great flaw of mine). So far, I still haven't finished half of my listed "projects," a.k.a. stuff to be fixed/arranged/organized. What's worse is that new things seem to be sticking up in front of me, making me unable to ignore them.

This is really taking up a lot of my energy and brain noodles. Couple that with me being a little paranoid and a worrywart, and a little obssessive-compulsive.. heck, I'm stressed. Maybe it's just my psychological worry that I'm stressed. But I searched over the symptoms of stress and I have most of them: back pain, heavy shoulders, inconsistent sleep, appetite loss... and I get sick easily these days.

I really need to get out. Time for me to go back home for a while and smell some fresh air, away from the cigarette smokes I smell everyday at the office. Time for some outing on a peaceful neighborhood, play some tennis and jog around the pineapple fields at Sunday's dawning. And maybe drive our family's pick-up for a quick driving lesson before I surrender to a driving academy in the city.

Times like this, I should write down my resolutions and goals for the year. Some people may think this useless. A friend of mine would point out that we won't be able to follow through with them in the end. Still, some basis for a year's existence never hurt. In my case, it can help me to stop messing with my own mind and worrying about petty things.

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