The Wrong Love Pair-Ups!

Whenever I watch a movie or animation, or whenever I read a book or a story, I usually keep tabs on the love pair-ups. Must be the stifled romantic in me, but the love pair ups, or the love teams, in the stories can have an effect in me. If I love the pairing of the protagonist and his or her love interest, then I would only be too happy to read more quickly or watch the movie/animation more intently. If I hate the pair, though, I'd end up crunching my nose and sighing in frustration with as to why the two characters got together and not with some other person who I think would be more compatible for them.

I just read Brisingr, the third installment of the Inheritance Cycle series by Christopher Paolini. After reading it, I got even more frustrated with the state of Eragon's lovelife. I loved the book, there's no mistake. I love the series and I am eagerly waiting for the fourth and last book of the series. But Eragon's lovelife frustrates me. The third book has ended but he still pines for Arya, and his love still remains unrequited.

This brings to my mind the other love pair-ups that I wanted to end in a happily-ever-after story but are most usually not meant to be. Some of the love pair-ups I like would sometimes come true but towards the end of the story, it's either their relationship status is in trouble or has gone totally down the rocks. And that just irks me to the point that I want to bash the author's or creator's head for not making the pair-ups work.

To elaborate, here are some of my most wanted love pair-ups and how they are not together:

1. Eragon and Angela

Were you surprised that I voted for Angela to be Eragon's love interest? Well, it's because Iwant his love interest to be Angela, and not Arya. Arya just doesn't seem to be that interesting, aside form the fact that she's an elf and elves are elegant. I also don't feel the sparks between Eragon and Arya whenever they have a moment with each other in the story. Perhaps, Arya is just stiff by nature and just doesn't show her feelings that much. I tried to settle with an "opposites attract" theme with the Eragon-Arya pair-up but it still doesn't fit for me.

Now, Angela, on the other hand, is quite more interesting than Arya. She goes overboard sometimes but I like her and her way with people. I especially like how she interacts with Eragon, and I believe that at one time, in Eldest, there was a time when Eragon felt comfortable with Angela. He still does, I'm sure, as he knows Angela treats him as she would any other person, and that mattered to Eragon.

Sadly, the author doesn't seem to share my sentiments on the matter. He still goes on with Eragon pining after Arya. (I'll still read the fourth book, no matter who Eragon will be with.)

2. Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood

Now, I'm sure you're laughing. Hey, I'm giggling, too. I know. Loony Luna's a little.. err... loony.. for the famous Harry Potter. But I'd still take Luna over the irritable Cho Chang and the annoying Ginny Weasley. But then I guess the majority wins, and Harry and Luna are not meant to be. It rarely happens when a famous character like Harry Potter would fall for a weird girl like Luna.

I got over this not-meant-to-be pair-up when I grew frustrated over the Harry Potter series (I let it pass that Harry got together with Ginny, but it was the way the story had gone darker and the way Harry had become a little smug that made me lose my Harry Potter addiction).

3. Cagalli Yula Athha and Athrun Patrick Zala

I am a huge fan. They were actually paired up in the Gundam SEED series. But it was implied that they broke up towards the end of Gundam SEED Destiny, with Cagalli choosing to focus on ruling Orb and leaving Athrun in the hands of another girl. I can recall a blog stating their relationship status to be "on hiatus."

A lot of me would agree that they really go well together. Athrun's the calm and shy type, while Cagalli is outgoing and frank. I rejoiced when they got together in Gundam SEED, and I hated the SEED Destiny ending because it made it obvious that the two are no longer together in the end. The creators had better launch a movie or another season and have Cagalli and Athrun back together again. Just when is the proposed movie going to be finalized anyway?!

4. Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuuga Hinata

I'm sure I'm not the only one vying for this pair-up to come true. You can't hate Naruto, and you can't hate Hinata. Naruto is just so whacked in the head he's hopeless, but Hinata still likes him. Naruto can get himself humiliated a million times, and Hinata would still be on the side admiring him. Well, it's a little annoying that Hinata is extremely shy. But wouldn't that just match Naruto's thick face and loud mouth?

The anime and manga is gearing towards Naruto and Sakura, but I'm still betting on Naruto and Hinata. And I'm not the only one so the creator better think before he settles on Naruto's love interest.

5. Kusosaki Ichigo and Inoue Orihime

All the Bleach fans know how Inoue is so much in love with Ichigo, while Ichigo jsut values friendship so much he knows nothing of the "rabu-rabu" feelings. Despite his ignorance on the subject, though, it's something that I grew to like about him. Right now, I can't see him as the romantic type.

This pair-up might go well as the series goes on. But there is the presence of Rukia to think about. I do not hate Rukia; I like her, too, as a matter of fact. I'm not sure about how she feels about Ichigo, but Ichigo certainly listens to Rukia and values her opinions. There have been many times wherein Ichigo is so influenced by Rukia. When it comes to Inoue, it's just pure friendship. I do not detect anything from Ichigo, but I hope that he would Inoue.

These are just some of the pair-ups I have in mind right now. What are the chances these pair-ups will come to be, do you think?

1 comment:

Clare Marshall said...

hey, I love your fave pair-ups...I'm on your side *winks*...and I'm also a fan of the Inheritance's just that I wasnt able to read the third installation no tym?..hehe,,I also love gundam destiny/seed... ;) post you got here.. :D