Sleeping Beauty ... Not Me, Mind You...

So I like to sleep a lot. But the Sleeping Beauty I refer to is the real Sleeping Beauty (or maybe not real, just the original fictional character) made by Disney. I just watched the whole cartoon movie again earlier, and I still say it's one of the best Disney movies. It's old, and maybe too sugary sweet.. but it's a fairy tale, and back then people were fond of singers of the opera enough to cast one for Princess Aurora's singing voice.

Sleeping Beauty was made in 1959, so the quality of the film may be a little antique for our modern tastes. The graphics are obviously from that time as well. But I daresay if we lived in that time we would've been impressed by all of it.

I would just also like to say that Maleficent's voice actor was magnificent. I'd also just like to say that Prince Philip and Princess Aurora are among my favorite Disney couples.

Here's a clip of the main theme song of Sleeping Beauty: Once Upon a Dream. It's when Princess Aurora and Prince Philip first met as adults. I used to sing this song whenever I felt like a classical singer (no, I never felt like a princess).

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