Hooked on We Got Married

Just a thought: I can imagine my friends and younger sister snickering once they've read this post, but I'm way past caring about them teasing me on stuff like these..

I got hooked to a Korean reality show just recently after a friend sent me a link of one of its episodes (the main reason why I haven't updated this blog for quite a while). This show is gaining popularity among Asian TV fans like me (and I have to say I'm actually very late in talking about this show online; numerous other bloggers have already expressed their "rabu-rabu" views about the show). It is called We Got Married, shortened to WGM, and (if I read right on Youtube) will be renamed to Sunday Marriage.

Basically, the show highlights how celebrity couples might do when they get married and live together. Let me just emphasize that all the couples here are just in a fake marriage. The program directors searched on celebrities who are compatible with each other and pair them up in the show. The couples put in efforts as to how they would act if they were really husband and wife. The show gives the couples missions to complete as they spend their Sundays working on their married life.

At first I thought that it would just be a chummy show with the stars giving off romantic sparkles to the viewers. Well, it is chummy and there are romantic sparkles swirling around. But that's not exactly the reason why I came to be addicted to We Got Married. I ignore the cheesy moments and instead focus on the hilarious loving moments of each couple. With this show, you can easily appreciate the Korean's sense of humor and witty attitudes. The celebrities paired up are marked for their humorous antics and blunt punchlines. All episodes of the show gave me a lot of laughs.

I can see my sister raising an eyebrow, not believing that my reason for watching We Got Married would not be connected to any romantic notions of mine. Ha! Believe it. I like comedy more than romance and love stories.

I applaud the show's creators for bringing about the whole concept. I'm also glad that the program directors did enough research to know which celebrities can bring about a marriage that seem so real that there are many of us hoping that these couples would actually get together in real life.

Some say that the show may be scripted. I doubt it. Missions are given and certain scenarios are set up, sure. But I'm sure that the husbands and wives are all on their own when making the light conversations and cranky situations.

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