WGM: My Top 3 Couples

In my preceding post, I talked about the Korean reality show We Got Married. In watching the show, I've picked out my three favorite couples.. and as you will see, I seem to like couples that give off fun and laughter rather than chummy romantic stuff.

1. Lettuce couple / Joongbo couple : Hwang Bo and Kim Hyun Joong

This couple has always been my favorite. The lettuce couple is an interesting combination: an older woman/younger man couple. By this fact alone, a lot of people were pulled to see how they would do in (fake) marriage. Others may just have wanted to see Hyun Joong as a groom (he's an idol; he's got a lot of fans). There may also have been others who wished for Hwang Bo's failure to sooth their jealousy over Hyun Joong having a bride. Ho ho.. poor them, because the ssangchu (lettuce) couple is going strong!

It was the older woman-younger man thing that had me curious with the lettuce couple. It wasn't Hyun Joong, leader of Korean boyband SS501; I've given up on boybands and teen idols a long time ago. It wasn't Hwang Bo, rapper and singer and formerly of Chakra, because I've never heard of her before my WGM addiction. I just wanted to see how the two would get along, especially since the marriage is all a pretense and they only meet once a week. I also wanted to see how the relationship would work, because it really seemed like an awkward pair. They have a 6-year gap between them. Hwang Bo is known to be a little tomboyish. Hyun Joong is suave and blunt and really innocent when it comes to being married.

They really did start out to be an awkward couple, with Hwang Bo feeling the age gap and Hyun Joong not really knowing how to be a groom. But as the episodes go and as they got to know more of each other, we can see that they are actually a perfect match for each other! Hyun Joong's bluntness and simple humor starts a lot of laughters, and Hwang Bo can be infectious with her energy and "youthfulness."

May i just add that i am now a very big fan of Hwang Bo; she's all that a strong woman is. She can be a tomboy, very competitive and athletic, but she also has a feminine side with lots of good-wife hobbis. I'm also giving a thumbs-up to Hyun Joong. He's new to being a husband but he's carried the role well. He's also got some charm, something that won't make you hate him when he makes mistakes. Ahh, well, he's not a teen idol and group leader for nothing.

2. A! couple / Ant couple : Seo In Young and Crown J

The A! couple is the longest running couple of the show. They have been with WGM since the start. While the other starting couples have "divorced" or left the show, the Ant couple stayed and continued to give some comedic relief to the show.

Seo In Young and Crown J are really a comedic duo (a sweet one, I will concede). They fight all the time. One might wonder how they can still stay together when they always fight, even over petty stuff like noodles. They're not actually what you'd consider to be role models. Seo In Young is known as a witch or a devil, with her tantrums and scary glares. She likes shoes, and she likes fresh boys like Hyun Joong. She wants to be treated like a queen and everybody's better treat her like one. I really applaud Crown J for his massive patience. Whenever they fight, it's always him who gives some space and makes the first move to make up. It's not something I would have expected from a rapper but then there're always exceptions.

3. HwanYobi couple : Hwanhee and Hwayobi

This is another interesting couple. One emits abrasiveness and the other ditziness. The only thing Hwanhee and Hwayobi probably have in common is in being R&B singers. The HwanYobi is a new couple on the show so their union is still under observation by the viewers (like me).

They actually remind me of Nodame and Chiaki-senpai of Nodame Cantabile. Hwayobi is just like Nodame. She's very talented when it comes to music, but her personality is somewhat slow. The Hwayobi shows herself in WGM would make you wonder if she really is an R&B singer, composer, and pianist. I think I read somewhere that she also knows how to paint. In WGM, she really seems lost without her husband.

Hwanhee, on the other hand, sometimes looks as if he wants to get away from his wife sometimes. He can be cold and uncaring to Hwayobi at times. But as a man and husband, he does his best to be more forthcoming and patient. I can't say I don't like his bad boy image, though. He can be so smug and conceited in a humorous way. He's adamant not to bend and become a sweet and cuddly husband because that's just not the way he is. He instead tries to show his "love" in other ways.. although I haven't seen any yet.

We Got Married is now on its 31st episode. Joongbo is carrying on with their bets-and-competition married life, the Ant couple has just moved to a new house, and HwanYobi is still on the getting-used-to-each-other stage.

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