Been Through a Rough Week

It has been a rough week. I hadn't been able to muster some energy to blog around my many blogs. I didn't have the energy for work even. Last week wasn't the best; it was one of those weeks where things around you just didn't click enough to give you some inspiration to move around. I basically just worked (sloppily, if I may admit), went home, cleaned a little (and I mean a little), pig around while watching DVDs, and sleep. This cycle would repeat everyday and I just became a potato couch who saw work as a disturbance.

I guess I felt depressed. Almost every news I heard last week were very frustrating. Typhoon Frank (Fengshen) hit our country and sunk a vessel, resulting in many missing people and many deaths. My friends back in Iloilo gave me descriptions of what the typhoon did and I can barely imagine what it was like. Even the videos I found in Youtube didn't size up to what they said.

I also received news about the health of two members of my family. It wasn't exactly pleasant.

Well, if anything, I'm certainly trying to get back on active track. This blog is one of my first steps... apart from getting back to doing the household chores, paying bills, bla bla bla...

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