Selected Pandemonium / Hyakki Yakou Shoko

Stepping aside from the popular genre of martial arts and action in manga stories, I found another favorite among the supernatural.

Hyakki Yakou Shou, or Selected Pandemonium, is an ongoing manga series, created by Ima Ichiko. I wonder why this manga isn't that popular. It mixes the supernatural and old Japanese beliefs with that of modern lifestyle. I like how the story doesn't go over the top with human-to-demon fights and demonic possessions and such. The story flows calmly, and seemingly realistic. After reading Naruto, Bleach, Claymore, and other popular mangas with exagerrated scenes and circumstances, Selected Pandemonium offers sanctuary from all those ninjutsus and swords.

Iijima Ritsu has a sharp sixth sense that he inherited from his deceased grandfather. This ability makes him a magnet to supernatural beings, some of which are not so friendly with humans and are dangerous. To protect him, his grandfather instructed one of his pet spirits to inhabit Ristu's father's dead body. This spirit-demon, named Blue Storm, is still passing off as his father in front of his mother, grandmother and other people. Only Ritsu knows the truth, and of Blue Storm's mission to protect him.

Ritsu is not the only with a sixth sense in their clan. Although not as strong as him, his two other cousins, Tsukasa and Akira, can also feel spirits and demons. Both of them used to disregard their abilities, Tsukasa denying hers and Akira forgetting her own. Tsukasa is especially reluctant to admit her ability, although her sixth sense is just as sharp as Ritsu's.

The manga mainly tells distant stories of each other. One chapter will focus on one story at a time, all concerning Ritsu and the people connected to him. Another thing I like about this manga is how it somehow connects with everyday life, at least for someone like Ritsu who has sixth sense and attracts a lot of spirits.

I'm now looking for the live action Japanese series of Selected Pandemonium. I can't find any online, and there're no sub versions for me to enjoy. Really, why isn't this popular?!

Manga direct downloads: ETC

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