Getting Over Joongbo.. Finally

Slowly but surely. This is how it goes when getting over an addiction that was never meant to last. When popular lettuce couple Kim Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo said their goodbyes on the reality-variety show We Got Married (We Just Married / Sunday Marriage), there was nothing else to do but accept the finality of it.

It's a little hard, though. I think it's the same for any other kind of addiction. The Korean show We Got Married was one of the things I looked forward to every week. I enjoyed watching the lettuce/ssangchu couple enjoyed their married life. It was a fake marriage, but Hwang Bo and Kim Hyun Joong displayed showed such sparkling chemistry between them that left many fans wishing their "love" and marriage was real.

Count me in among the Joongbo fanatics. They were my favorite couple among the cast of WGM. Despite many criticisms and discussions about their marriage --- Kim Hyun Joong being one of the hottest idols of Korea and Hwang Bo being six years older than him --- the lettuce couple showed that marriage can be fun and happy indeed. They showed that it's not all about candlelit dinners and romantic conversations, that a peanut necklace would be more than enough as long as it was given with the whole heart.

I guess it was also because of the wife's and groom's personalities that also attracted me to the couple. I am now a huge fan of Hwang Bo, because of her honest and outgoing personality. She's my definition of what a woman should be --- independent, living life to the fullest while also helping others out and doing charity, very spirited, and has a really big heart. As for Kim Hyun Joong, hmmm.. he's really a unique one. I actually like him better when he's with his Hwang Buin, but I can't deny that he also has some charm of his own. His 4D personality makes him say unpredictable things, and he has this drive for success and a passion for music and his work. He has a very blunt personality that can be a little contradicting to his pretty boy image.

It's been more than a month now since their last episode together, and I'm slowly getting back to reality. I still keep tabs on how Hwang Bo is doing with her projects. Hyun Joong is apparently doign well with his still increasing fame with Boys Over Flowers. I'm also still reading Joongbo fanfictions. But time will come when all this really has to end.

Despite this reality, I still hope.. that in the future Hwang Bo and Hyun Joong will get together again, and maybe really end up for real. :p Haha... oh, but that would really be fantastic news!


Anonymous said...

I'm not over them yet. I watch and rewatch their episodes together from We Got Married. They just make me happy. =)

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm not over them either. It's been more than 2 months, and even longer since we already knew they were ending back in November. But this couple is still very much present in my life, that just saying it is embarrassing. I had my korean class today. When I read yangpa, oksusu, noransaeg, and hayan, my mind reverts automatically back to their episodes. It sounds pathetic, but that's just the way it is for me. Maybe I'll post here again when I'm actually over this couple. Let's see how long it takes..

NytMer said...

Well, the truth is, I still read their fanfics at soompi and still read updates on them from Chonsa's blog..:p

Anonymous said...

Me too. Actually i just know them after i watch Kkotboda Namja. Its already over when i just get started.. As the saying goes, its better late than never, right! Love all their episodes..they make me laugh..Surprisingly i love Joongbo more than Kkotboda Namja..

Leyen Antonio said...

Same here I'm not over in Lettuce couple yet. I hope one day I will see them together in movie/drama. I am looking forward to it. I cant get over watching they're old clips. It's really lovely. Please, will someone make Lettuce comeback in tv show? I do want to see them again.. T_T

Anonymous said...

I hope that all Joongbo threads remain active up until now and for the coming years to show support to the well loved couple whether in reel or in real life (this is just my delusion). But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that KHJ and HB will be for real and live a happy and fruitful life.