La Corda D'Oro Quotes, part 1

"Music is supposed to be enjoyable to everybody who hears it. Don't you want to be able to make music like that?"
- Lili, episode 1 -

"It seemed as if the high notes became transparent. It somehow seemed to pierce my heart. I had no idea that the violin can make such beautiful sounds."
- Hino Kahoko, episode 2 -

"Just making sound come out is different from playing it."
- Lili, episode 2 -

"Don't be hard on yourself. There must be a reason why you were chosen."
- Tsuchiura Ryoutaro, episode 2 -

"Just play like you always do."
- Hihara Kazuki, episode 2 -

"You just have to enjoy yourself more."
- Hihara Kazuki, episode 2 -

"Yeah, if I don't enjoy playing it, then I'm not doing it justice, right?"
- Hino Kahoko, episode 2 -

"Whether you hate it or love it, such sentiments are worthless."
- Tsukimori Len, episode 3 -

"If I'm aiming for the same victory as she is, I would only like to compete to get a higher level and rank than her."
- Tsukimori Len, episode 3 -

"What you should play is not important. What's important is the story your performance is telling.. how you express it."
- Tsuchiura Ryoutaro, episode 4 -

"Music is something everyone can enjoy."
- Lili, episode 4 -

"It sure is strange. When you turn these written notes into sounds, it becomes so beautiful. How should I say it.. It seems that the performer is resurrecting the notes."
- Hino Kahoko, episode 4 -

"Isn't music written with 'sound' and 'fun' all over it?"
- Lili, episode 4 -

"It's about the attitude we have towards music. Are you really serious?"
- Tsukimori Len, episode 5 -

"Let's look past little mistakes."
- Tsuchiura Ryoutaro, episode 5 -

"[playing 'Tristesse'] If you close down the way to your own path, it will always open up. That's why this isn't a song of ending. It is a new encounter. A song of beginning."
- Hino Kahoko, episode 5 -

"[about Kreisler] Then the reason why his compositions are still liked right now is because it must've been a good lie result-wise, right?"
- Shimizu Keiichi, episode 6 -

"When I play, I do nothing but play.. When I play, my fingers move skillfully and when a beautiful sound comes out, I become very happy. I think it would be good to be able to play such an ideal sound."
- Shimizu Keiichi, episode 7 -

"Music is something you have to enjoy and also something you have to make other people enjoy."
- Hamai Misa, episode 7 -

"[on Yunoki] He has a good appearance and is also smart. He has a smile that never goes away and he's really popular. There isn't a single bad rumor about him. He's a perfect honor student. How do you call him.. He's too perfect that, conversely, it's suspicious."
- Amou Nami, episode 8 -

"We're rivals now! If I'm going to do it, I don't intend to lose to anyone!"
- Tsuchiura Ryoutaro, episode 9 -

"But I can't keep relying only on others. Whether it's Tsuchiura-kun or the magic violin.. I must do something on my own.."
- Hino Kahoko, episode 9 -

"Hearing other people's music makes me think of a lot of things. Why is it different from mine? Why do they perform like that?"
- Shimizu Keiichi, episode 9 -

"Besides the fact that there is a concours, the manner of being strictly on time is an absolute thing that must be observed no matter what the reason. If he can't do that, he certainly doesn't have the capability to participate."
- Tsukimori Len's Father, episode 10 -

"There are plenty of things I could learn by observing the other participants as well."
- Shimizu Keiichi, episode 11 -

"Now I know.. it's got a gentle sound.. Is that why I thought I wanted to hear it some more?"
- Shimizu Keiichi, episode 11 -

"Results are results. You're second, I'm last. Results are everything. Everything happening so far has been a result of the effort you exerted."
- Tsukimori Len, episode 11 -

"I've decided to do my best. That's why I can't quit halfway now."
- Hino Kahoko, episode 12 -

"I think the concours is like feelings that are always changing.. like everyone. But the important things never change. I want to everyone to enjoy. That's all."
- Ousaki Shinobu, episode 12 -

"I only thought about myself, huh? Not having time to pay attention to others around me, I wasn't able to become kind."
- Hino Kahoko, episode 12 -

"It's not good to practice with cold-hearted feelings, Hino Kahoko."
- Lili, episode 13 -

"I want you to play the violin with honest feelings."
- Lili, episode 13 -

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