Here's How I Get Back on the Blogging Track...

It's been almost a week now, and I haven't made any blog entry until this moment. I guess the simple explanation would be that I lost some of the drive for blogging. The reasons for this would be more complicated of course.

This is mostly due to the fact that our monitor broke down. We took it for repair but it took so long that we decided to just get a new one.

I was getting restless about the thought of not having to blog at home. I ventured on my other interests to take up some of my time. I watched movies and TV series --- had an NCIS and anime marathon. If I couldn't find anything else to do, I just slept (which only cranked up my body clock).

Now that we have a monitor (a new one), I'm slowly getting back on track with blogging and Web surfing. It takes some time for me to go about blogging again, though. The monitorless break took so long that everything I wanted to blog about became a little hazy in my head. We can consider it as some kind of a writer's block.

So how do I get back on the blogging track? I work on two things: adjusting my body clock again, and getting something to blog about.

Adjusting my body clock wasn't so hard to do. Getting back into the pace was something I wanted anyway. The second thing was a little bit of a trouble. Like I said earlier, I was experiencing some sort of a writer's block --- there were ideas in my head but it's like I couldn't writer them all down. What I did was to go back to stuff I usually want to blog about: mangas and anime. My addiction to these proved helpful.

I first read mangas and filled my head with words and imagined scenes --- helps with creativity! Then I went about watching animes and writing down some quotable quotes. If I didn't have anything else to blog about, might as well post some quotable quotes! Haha!

And now I'm back. (",)

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