How Animated Fight Scenes Should Be!

I can't help but revel watching the fight scenes of my fave animated shows. Compared to the punch-grab-throw-kick stuff that American animation gives, the Japanese animations are more awesome. And I don't just say 'awesome' lightly. Here are the opening fight scenes of two of my favorite anime.. and I tell ya, this is how animated fight scenes should be!

Seirei no Moribito follows the story of a spear-wielding bodyguard named Balsa and the young prince she has to protect from the assassins sent by his own father, the emperor. It's an anime series made of 26 episodes, and contains great graphics and evolving characters. One of the best animes I've seen, both in visual effects and storyline. It made me appreciate the strength of a spear, too, as I have always viewed this weapon as rather inferior to a sword back then.

This is the opening of the Sword of the Stranger, wherein the star weapon is the sword. Many have said the fight scenes in the movie are badass, awesome, even godly, and I will not be one to disagree. For every synonym of these words, I say yea yea YEAH! Once you've seen the whole movie, how can you say otherwise?

In the video clip, the guy in the red cloak is the villain. As it's the opening fight scene and it's the villain on it, you can only imagine how the next fight scenes would be and how the protagonist of the story is going to kick some serious ass.

1 comment:

Clare Marshall said...

wow! heheeh.. bloody fight scenes.. I agree to the max!! hahaha.. the 2nd fighter or the one from the second clip is I think more awesome than Battosai when it comes to fighting.. but I still love Samurai X.. cool post! :D Never seen these anime so I'd like to give them a hot.. :D